Boom-whackers Energizer English

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Make it happen with al kind of groups on any venue by means of a short energiser with the colourful and light-weight Boom-whackers plastic tubes.
Fun, energy, excitement, hilarity, all within a flexible session of dynamic rhythm and music making with boomwhackers.

Boomwhackers Energizer

  • From 20 up to 1000 participants (or more).
  • From 15 up to 30 minutes (longer negotiable).
  • Short preparation and clean-up time.
  • No musical experience or knowledge required.
  • Colourful and Fun.
  • In English, but also available in German, French or Spanish language.

The energizer session with boomwhackers was brilliant and had some great feedback


More about Boom-whackers

Boomwhackers are brightly coloured plastic tubes (30-65 cm) that are tuned by length to musical notes. Each colour has a distinct pitch. Anyone can lay them. Simply by letting each colour boomwhacker play an easy distinct rhythm makes up a nice swinging rhythm composition.

Why Boom-whackers?

Boomwhackers can be played almost instantly by everyone: you don’t need any skills or musical theory. Within a few minutes your group is already ‘playing’.
In a relaxed an humour-full way your group is guided to come to an inspiring collective result, by the means of musical co-operation and listening.

boomwhackers energiser energizer boomwekkers boomwhacker

Advantages Boom-whackers

Boomwhackers are ease to distribute, simple to play, and make less noise than “normal” percussion instruments. There is no need for a rearrangement of chairs, everyone can stay where they are.
An energizer boomwhackers can be done fast and easy.

boomwhackers-boomwhacker boom-whackers

More information on Energizer Boomwhackers

If you have questions or want more more information, don’t hesitate to contact me.
You can go to the English contact-page and send me a message or mail me, or you can phone me at +316-5129 8903.

More on Boomwhackers on Wikipedia.

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